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Westover Civic Association dues are just $50.00.  That's it.  A bargain for all the benefits your investment provides.  Dues invoices for the upcoming year are mailed to each household in December, with a follow-up invoice to all unpaid households in January. The dues cycle runs from January 1st through December 31st each year.

Payments after the invoice cycle can be made to a Civic Association Director, via the link below, or directly to:


Village of Westover Civic Association

c/o David Krall, CPA, Treasurer

6359 Stephens Crossing

Mechanicsburg, PA 17050







Here are just a few of the things that are paid for with your annual Civic Association dues:

Maintenance of Common Areas


The Village of Westover boasts the largest areas of green space in any residential development in our region.  McCord Commons with a paved walking path, specimen trees, and park benches is the "crown jewel" of the Village.  The Lower Commons has a grass path that leads to the Conodoguinet Creek.  Street signs and the entranceway pillars are all maintained with funds from the annal dues campaign.


Holiday Decorations


Traditional Williamsburg style holiday decor of white pine roping, pine cones, fruit and magnolia leaves adorn the brick entranceway pillars.  White pine roping and red bows are hung on the street signs, and many of our residents place a single white candle in their windows. 


Block Parties


One of the highlights of the year in the Village of Westover, this fun, family-centered event is held in June in McCord Commons to welcome the arrival of the summer season.  There's live music, entertainment and free ice cream treats for the children, and a chance to meet your neighbors in the Commons.  Bring your lawn chair, blankets, and favorite beverages. 


Children's Activities

From Pumpkin Carving to Egg Hunts, to Breakfast with Santa, there's a lot of fun activities for the young people in the Village of Westover.  These activities are open to all residents at low or no cost.  Visit our Events page for details about upcoming activities for children.




This website, the Village of Westover newsletter, emails, and special flyers are some of the ways we communicate with our neighbors to provide announcements, emergency messages, and invitation to special events.  


Village of Westover Directory 


The Westover Civic Association maintains and publishes a residential directory of all the homeowners in the Village of Westover.  The directory is available to paid members by logging into the website. 


Resale Certificate


Dues paying members may request a free resale certificate from Westover Civic Association to use when selling a residence.


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